It would be very nice if there was a specific forum for siblings. I think they get lost in the shuffle because there is not a specific forum. Not sure if others feel this way and am looking for input. Birth siblings searchingBirth sibling reunionsBirth sibling communicationsBirth siblings finding out they have adopted siblings Dickons(adoptee who wants relationship with siblings on both sides)
Thanks for the idea. What I was trying to say was to have a Forum Category. If I was a birth sibling and I came to the site there is not a specific category to go to. Some people are not as quick navigating through websites and a match could be missed. Does not seem to be any real interest so it seems there isn't a need. Cheers,Dickons
Here's the reply I received about a new forum:This forum: [URL=""][/URL] is for all birth family members and adoptees. This Category: [URL=""][/URL] is for all birth family members. Due to the lack of activity in both - I can't justify the creation of another forum. I'm sorry! :(__________________