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actually, the therapy session happened to the child after a meltdown on mothers day.
I just fell that certain children who had been adopted have diffucult times around certain days. Mothers day is a loaded one.
i also agree wtih bipette, as we have done that to. I guess the question is, do you restrain a child, just to prove them wrong?
We never did any holding therapy with our AT though.
and that is the point of this post, would you? This includes stong sitting, the two practices that are currently being questioned by professionals.
Holding a child due to their rages, or to prevent the rage, is not holding therapy. Its more 'restraining'.
though I do think even with restraints, it should be the last form of action a parent should take if the child cannot control himself on his own.
bipette, if your child was able to go to his room for a time out on his own, would you 'hold him' or restrain him?
I guess the same question goes for Jen to.
The holding is a form of therpy, I think some might get the holding and restraining confused. Two different things.
holding theapy is done when the child is calm.