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The only way to guarantee that the father stay out of the picture is to have his rights terminated by the court. You said that you didn't think it was fair for the father to come forward later and want to be involved - the baby is not even born yet. This man has not even had the chance to be a father yet. Is he dangerous? There would be no other reason to keep a parent from their child, IMO.
You cannot adopt this child without your daughter's and the father's consent. If that is the route you choose, it will be permanent - the child will then be yours. If you wish to help your daughter parent this child while continuing her schooling, etc.., custody or guardianship would be options. You would then be able to insure the child.
This is your daughter's child. While it may not have been your "plan" for her, it is her plan now. Please do not force her to do anything she does not wish to. Support her, help her, love her.