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Here are the specific things you'll need to find for your state:
1 - Find out who can adopt.
What are the age limits?
Can two unrelated people adopt together? (You and your fiance aren't related yet, so you may be barred from adopting together - one of you may have to adopt as a single instead.)
2 - Find out who has to consent to the adoption.
It's almost always both the biological mother and the biological father, so you'll need the guy's consent too.
3 - Find out about waiting periods.
For instance, all states require that the baby be born and the mother off medication before she can sign papers to terminate their parental rights. The number of days after the birth that the mother can sign will vary by state. (Three days is a typical minimum number of days, but they do vary.)
The father can sometimes terminate his rights before the birth and sometimes he can't.
Then there is the waiting period after the signing is finished, since most states allow a number of days after the signing for the parents to think about their decision and change it if they want.
4 - Find out what you have to do to adopt if the rest of the items are fine with you.
Your state will require you to have a homestudy, that much is true.
But states differ when it comes to deciding if you have to have an agency, a lawyer, or just a social worker.
I hope this helps!