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Yesterday was court for the parents to sign the TPR- which they did. Here is the snag. They ended up with a different judge who didn't want to rule whether Great Aunt can contest our adoption or not. Next court date is the 31st of March! We have to wait a whole month just to hear a yes or no. How frustrating! What really bothers me is that they are not going to start transitioning the children during this time...last week they went to court and ask for immediate removal to our home because the children weren't safe. Now they want to wait to transition until they know for sure where they are going to go. To me isn't it better that they are safe and form an attachment to us with the slim possibility that they may have to go to Great Aunt then to let them sit in an unsafe environment for another month? It's like comparing apples to oranges. I am so frustrated I could spit. The parents signed TPR and consent to adopt under the pretense that the children were going to come to our home. I would be super upset if I was them. Hey thanks all for letting me rant. I know that you all understand the frustration with the system and it is nice to just be able to let loose. :hissy: