Hi everyone. We are scheduled to bring home our baby tomorrow...yay. CPS has started TPR and we are waiting for a court date. Our child has been in one foster family since birth. We were told that, instead of fostering ourselves, we would be deemed a 'pre adoptive placement'. What is the difference between this and foster-to-adopt?? Thanks for any info!!
The difference is that "fostering" is strictly someone who is not intending to adopt. They are foster parents while the "state/county system" is waiting to see if the child will go back to birth parents or be turned over to a fost to adopt family. So it just means you want to adopt and the foster family is not looking to permanently add to their family right now. Depending on what state you are in, the subsidy should not be any different until you finalize the adoption. Congratulations and enjoy your new baby. I hope all goes well with TPR.
Just a caution, sometimes it means very little. Often it is something caseworkers use when they know a family is wishing to adopt. The caseworker can then say to a judge, the child is in a preadoptive home, which should mean more stability to the child, which ideally is what the "system" strives for.
I don't mean to be a downer and have no knowledge of your state, but in mine - preadoptive placements often do not get adoptedby the "foster to adopt" family they are placed with.
our son came to us a pre adoptive placement.he was not free for adoption ,but had been in care almost a year,and his caseworker knew where the case was he was alegal risk placement ,and was still considered a foster child until tpr was done.hope it all works out for your family.
I think it's the same difference really, except that you've said yes unequovically that you want to adopt this baby and by moving the baby to your home it is understood by everyone involved in the case that you are the forever home.
My daughter came home this way. She had been in a fost/adopt home but the family she was with had said yes and was committed to adopting a baby that had been placed with them the month before she arrived. My home was considered the pre adoptive home.
Her birthmother's reunification services had been terminated when she was placed with me. Birth dad was unknown. I tried to get the next hearing on the books turned into a termination of parental rights hearing, but the CW was too slow in her actions. But on May 1st, we go to court to terminate. On May 1st, my daughter would have been home 7 1/2 months. Based on birth mom's past history, no one is expecting any problems.
Best of luck to you and congrats on your new baby!
Our son came to as as a pre adoptive placement. It means you will be given full disclosure of all his information (you'll get to read over the child's files), you'll sign an adoption agreement that provides for any subsidy (daily/monthly), medicaid, and/or reimbursement of legal costs associated with the adoption. At least in my state, I received the agreed upon adoption subsidy, NOT the foster rate. (there's a potentially big difference in the rates in PA). Also, with our agency, a preadoptive placement meant less services from the agency (no respite, little help with transportation to therapy and other appointments, etc). They also should provide the child "child prep" services at this point -- which is meant to help them with the transition into a "forever home". Of course, if the child is a infant or toddler that may not apply (my son was 10/11 yrs old).
The child is still a "foster child" b/c the county/state still are the ones with the rights...but they are in a preadoptive category, which sometimes means they move "units" within the county from the foster unit to the adoptive unit (i.e. different worker).
Good luck to you and your new family!!
Wow, Mkuhlmann06, I didn't get all of that with my pre-adoptive placement. I wish I got a full medical disclosure. I got more information when my son was placed in a fost/adopt situation then I did with my youngest daughter who is a preadoptive placement.
It would be nice if all the states could have uniform rules for DCF, but I guess that's asking too much.