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It's my understanding that CCAA "favors" one person income for twins ($100,000 or higher, with only one parent working outside the home), and no other children at home.
I've found that agency requirements are sometimes much stricter than CCAA requirements. And, although CCAA has outlined "requirements", if given a choice, they usually choose the highest qualified. I've seen a few twins referred, and of all that I've seen, they all fit the family dynamics of one parent working, and $100K/yr or higher income.
However, if you fit the minimum criteria, and you are open to twins, you can always request twins. We were told to ask for exactly what we wanted. It's possible that your family would be the most qualified for twins of all the families that one matcher is matching for that month. You can always keep it as a possibility, but I have not heard that its a "requirement" from CCAA to have all stated above.