I was in the same situation - had an H1B visa and wanted to adopt internationally. The current U.S. immigration laws discriminate between an adopted child and a biological child (which is in disagreements with the Hague agreements which the U.S. signed and, well, implements): The adopted child does not have the same immigration rights as the biological child, e.g. in your case it cannot get an H4 visa to which your biological children are automatically entitled.
I have dual Swiss and Israeli citizenship and I decided to check out what other countries' policies are. The Swiss immigration laws do not discriminate between adopted and biological children so an adopted child gets the same immigration status as the parents. Why can't the U.S. do the same? I don't know.
So what are your options?
1. The current laws will likely not change so soon because our situation is relatively rare, lack of public interest and because we immigrants do not have electoral power. You are nevertheless invited to sign the following petition: [url=]A Petition For International Adoption By U. S. Permanent Residents Petition[/url]
2. You could "give up your H1B visa, adopt and try to get an H1B visa again". I was actually told to do that, can you believe it?! It is sad how some people just don't seem to care and/or don't understand how hard it is to get an immigration visa.
3. You can give up on international adoption until you are U.S. citizen, adopt then OR adopt domestically. I adopted domestically. It was quite difficult because I am not of Christian faith and as a resulty of that got rejected by agencies and birthmothers. After many disappointments, my beautiful baby boy Kiran came home and he is the light in my life.
Because of what I went through, my heart is with immigrants and permanent residents who try to adopt. Please feel free to PM me, I will try to assist you as good as I can.