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I have a question. Do you think that babies when they are adopted can face separation anxiety when they are older. The reason why I am asking is because when I was born I had a week of bonding with Birth mother than I was in foster care for almost 2 months and then placed in the adoptive home. And to this day I have a hard time with allowing people get close to me or me getting close to other people.
I definitely think that adopted babies can feel separation anxiety when they grow older. And I agree with Austin0i to read the Primal Wound. Very powerful book-painful, but powerful.
My birthmother died while giving birth to me, so I missed out on the crucial mother/daughter bonding. As an adopted kid I personally never felt separation anxiety. It was probably the opposite and still is. I didn't care if I went away for a few hours, a day, a week, or two weeks. I never have felt homesick for my adoptive parents. EVER. Doesn't mean I didn't love them, just means that I never missed them. It probably had to deal with a fear of rejection if I showed I was homesick.
But it's funny, now at the age I am, (22), I feel separation anxiety towards the family I never knew, my birth family. I know what you mean when you have a hard time letting people get close to you. I also struggle with that-even with my friends, I hold them at arms length. And I want to get close to people but don't allow it for fear of rejection.