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Since no one really can tell you how each reunion is gonna go, I'm looking for all the moral support I can get. I'll give a breif rundown of my situation.
When I was 2 weeks shy of my 15th birthday I gave birth to my son who my aparent's forced me to place (they told me abortion or adoption). I had a horrible experience with the social worker / agency too long to go into right now but suffice it to say it was horrible to the extreme.
My son's adoption was supposed to be semi-open, it turned out to be mostly semi-closed, for about 4 years it was totally closed. His aparents didn't tell him he was adopted until 2 1/2 months ago, he is 14 1/2 years old.
Fast forward to today. My son and I have been steadily building a relationship, we're in contact daily mostly through IM. I am also in contact with his aparents, everything has been going well. I just flew down to meet / spend time with him for about 4 days and it went great. Also spent time talking with his amom about things that I was told by the social worker / agency that were not true and vice versa. A lot of miscommunication was cleared up, it was a good thing, long time coming.
Anyhoo....I have this feeling that there is anger brewing underneath the surface with him. He already got mad at me over something that was not within my control. His amom told me something that I didn't know he didn't know she told me and he got mad at ME that she told me. :confused:
So how do I deal with any possible anger that he projects onto me?? I am also an adoptee so I have experience with that end of things as well, and I'm thinking that might help me in this situation but our adoptions were very different. I've also been in reunion with my firstmom for about 15 years and although we've had little tiffs I never had any real anger with her and vice versa.
Anyway....I guess I'm just looking for others who have gone through this. It's extra difficult because he is so young and I think also because he was not told the truth for so long.
Thanks for reading this if you've made it this far!!!