I was born at Queen of the Valley Hospital in Napa, Ca. My birthmother's name was Linda Rae Anderson but signed all of the paperwork Linda R. Anderson. I was told that she was born in Washington DC in Feb. 1948; that I also have an older sibling, though I am not sure if she is full blood or 1/2; that she was 32 years old and that she had had 3 other pregnancies before having me. If there is anyone outh there who can help me that would be GREAT!
You are very fortunate to have a name with which to search. I'm not a searcher, just an adoptee who's been trying to search. I would suggest going to Bastard Nation website. They have tips on steps you can take in your search. There's one in particular that says "I have a name! Now what?"
Best of luck to you.