My Dr is wanting to prescribe Reglan for induced lactation. Can she prescribe domperidone if I actually live near a great compounding pharmacy? Why choose one over the other? TIA!! :flower:
From what I have heard, Reglan has more issues with serious side effects such as depression and even seizures. I've heard some take it with no problem at all, but others can't handle it. On Lenore's site, they don't recommend moms take it at all. Dom on the other hand is very innocuos and has almost no side effects. Do you know why your doctor went with Reglan vs. Dom?
I'm not sure what the difference is though in terms of milk production...
Here is a note on Lenore's site on dom vs. reglan:
[url=]Ask Lenore ~ Breastfeeding ~ Induced Lactation ~ Domperidone compared to Reglan[/url]
I started on Reglan and have since switched to Domperidone. I did get more milk on Domperidone. And I preferred the lower risk of side effect with the domperidone. So thankful ❤️ I found "Startbf247" in Google and got Dom.