We are living in Indiana but the EM we are talking to lives in Michigan, and we're all concerned about the logistics of an interstate adoption. The EM says she has heard it can take as long as 2.5 to 3 months for the ICPC paperwork to be finalized, and that we won't be able to take the baby out of the state until it's completed. I had been planning to take a few months off from work after the placement, but I'd really rather not spend the whole time in another state instead of getting settled in at home! Does anyone here have any recent experience with an interstate adoption from Michigan?
I'd like to hear what anyone has to say about this as well, as we are being shown to a potential bmom tomorrow in Michigan.
The agency told me to prepare for a stay of about 10 days to 2 weeks - I am hoping she is correct in this!
I spoke with a Michigan attorney this morning who specializes in interstate adoptions, and he said 7-10 days. That's much better! :banana:
Good luck with your meeting.
Oh, it's GREAT to hear another professional say a similar time-frame.
Thanks for the good wishes. The bmom was to be looking at our profile TODAY, so I'm on pins and needles, but trying to be patient. She may not decide immediately.
Hey, I like your name - Crazy Cat Lady!
We live in OH and matched / finalized in MI. Our wait from TPR until both MI and OH ICPC were completed was 5 days.
I've heard this is unusually quick (more for OH than MI) and we credit our agency with really navigating the process quickly for us.
im getting my nepthew from ohio, i have been going through this process every scence november of 2008. my nepthew is 1 years old and i did not need a lawyer. cfs or child family services help out alot scence this case is family relative only. my nepthew is in foster care.
but he will be hear in july, so hear is the time fame.:clap:
nov 08 - feb 09 case worker had to send out icpc paper work out to the state stating that im the aunt and is interested in legal custudy. lots of paper work in volved for the case worked only, and the sending and receiving states. :cowboy:
mar 09 i had a inspection or home inspection done to see if my home was safe for the baby to come and live hear. a background check is required to make sure there is no felonies or child abuse cases. you can have minor thinks on your record but as long as u have not been convicted of any crimes that lead to felonies your ok.
employment check- if you received ssi or disabliity checks from the goverments thats fine too, thats a source of income and it also depends on if the child your getting is receiving money :coffee:
the state collect all information about you once you apply for this child. the good part is that i didnt have to do any paper work scene the state or both states was on a roll.:flower:
april and may 09- i called the state myself and found out that i was approved for my home inspection april 30 i was approved, :loveyou:
june 09 staff meeting and making arrangements and signing over custudy to me and my husband this is the final step.:cheer:
then i think there is the last final step is when the judge approve it and thats when i go to court so i get a court day in the mail this month or next month it all depends on how fast they move and then i get my nepthew so good luck with your process.:grouphug: