Well, i called her today and left her a voicemail and at the end of the day her nurse called me back and said that she said it was fine and that she is prescribing me 1/2 milligram Xanax. Is that alot or a little???
Im happy that she was cool with it, and i didnt have to do a bunch of running around to get it. i just gotta go to the pharmacy and pick it up in the next few days. Thanks for the replies. Rach
Legally, yes, they could be prescribed. But ethically? I'd really question the integrity of a doctor that prescribes well outside their scope of practice. Especially if you've had no routine bloodwork done by a family doctor in years. If you have anxiety issues, underlying causes should be ruled out (thyroid, etc), and just for basic preventative health care, you really should be seen yearly. Every med has side effects and should be taken very seriously. Not all meds are appropriate for all people.
Get scheduled with a primary care doc, you need one.
Well, im sure she wouldnt prescribe me a long term dose. its just 2 of them to get me there and back. If i really want to be on something everyday, then im sure id have to get a family doctor to prescribe that.
I have had routine testing done. I went through IVF and they do every test under the sun and then some. Plus, i do have a yearly appointment with my OB/GYN for a pap smear and all that great stuff. I guess i just dont see the point to going to a family doctor once a year when nothing is wrong with me. its a waste of money. especally since i get seen by my OB/GYN every year. Thanks for the concern, i will look into getting a family doc though, i just havent really found one i like yet. Rach
ps- im not on any meds either, well, only birth control, and its not even for contraception either (dont need to worry about getting pregnant!!!!) its just so that i dont get my period when im on vacation next week.
I used that too which worked great...but made me sleepy.
Really, axert is the only thing I took that didn't make me sleepy yet killed the migraine.
Does Imitrex make you sleepy?
Yep, that's it. Imitrex and Zomig both made me sleepy, but that was okay with me. Migraines completely incapacitate me and all I want to do is crawl into my closet with a blanket and a pillow.
I was also on another one that not only DID NOT work, but I experienced a side effect that the directions indicated should be treated as an emergency and to seek immediate medical attention. Well seeing that I have sensitivity to light, and can't open my eyes I didn't read that to the next day!
Yes, I threw the rest of that prescription in the garbage.