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The New Constitution (1991) establishes the rules of Dual Nationality in Colombia. It states that all persons born in Colombia will always be Colombian and must identify themselves as such when entering and leaving the country.
Here is some information from: [URL=""]Embajada de Colombia en Japn - De la doble nacionalidad[/URL]
It says: "Los colombianos con doble nacionalidad deben ingresar, permanecer y salir de Colombia con pasaporte colombiano." On this page you can see the information on the libreata militar being a reqiurement even if you live outside (en el exterior) Colombia. It sates that if you serve in another country's military, that will also count as military service for Colombian purposes.
More on the double nationality:
[URL=""]Bienvenido al Consulado General de Colombia en Houston[/URL]
"De acuerdo con el articulo 22 de la ley 43 de 1993, “cualquier colombiano que tenga doble nacionalidad debe someterse en el territorio nacional a la Constitucin Pol㳭tica y a las leyes de la Repblica. Esto significa que para ingresar al territorio colombiano, mientras permanece en el pas, y a la hora de salir de ꭩl, deben hacerlo en calidad de colombiano”. Es decir, con cdula de ciudadana colombiana (cuando lo requiera) y pasaporte colombiano. "
[URL=""]Infomigrante - Recomendaciones para el retorno de doble nacionalidad[/URL]
On a personal note, after my husband became a US citizen, we travelled to Colombia. When we arrived in Bogota, he showed his US passport. The DAS official saw that on his US passport it states he was born in Colombia. So, he asked for his Colombian passport. My husband said, "I am a US citizen and as such I renounced all allegiance to foreign countries. This is my passport." The DAS agent then said, "There is a flight for Miami in 1 hour, you can either identify yourself as a Colombian or you can be on that flight."
That said, this has been a topic on the Colombian family board before and not everyone met such a tough agent. Some have easily travelled on a US passport. But, within the last 3 years they are cracking down more and more.