Your wording makes complete sense to me, and it's a question that worried me seriously for years.... to the point of getting a psych degree searching for the answer-- and I am not a psychologist and do not work in the mental health field-- just a concerned mama trying to figure some things out. What I learned about genetic predisposition with mental issues essentially boils down to this..... your genetics determine a "window of possibilities" of who you may become..... your nurture-- your way of being raised, cared for, taught, disciplined, determines where in that window you will end up. So, your child may have a higher likelihood of developing schizophrenia, but you being aware of and prepared for that will have you knowledgeable if it does happen and a far better outcome for your child. Look up NAMI online, there are support groups and informational meetings everywhere to help people and families learn how to deal with a loved one's mental illness, and they will be a world of information available to you. Hope that helps!