Just wantedto offer a little support.
I can't imagine how surprising that must be to find out you have a sister. Give yourself some time to digest the information but don't project on what could happen. Your sister may not be looking to displace you from your position in the family at all and just be looking for her biological in formation. She may very well be inscounced in her own family and is just looking for that missing information for herself and her children. Just because your biologically related does not mean you have to have a relationship.
I am wondering if atthis point its not actually about the sister but more about your mom keeping that information from you? I can understand feeling a little betrayed and upset.
I know when I found my biofamily(bmom), I had NO intention of dispalcing, hurting, or upsetting my sibs. I totally understood that we were two different families with 2 diffeernt upbringings. I loved my afamily warts andall and really idenified them as my family but itwsa nice to know who I was bilogicalally realted to(other then my childrem)...and I needed to know my bioloigical info FOR my children. I firmly beleive that because Iwas sperated from my biofamiliy that it is impossible to go back and become immediate family. My childhood was with my afamily not biomom so all my experiances as seen from a childs eye and processed from a childs eye can only be from my a family. You can't go back. The same holds true here.