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I'm not sure how it is in your county, but where here in Mass - if the pre-adoptive parents are on the stand - it isn't looking good for the birth parents.
Specifically as to your questions about having others write letters or testify about your relationship or bonding - unless they can be qualified as a expert on relationships or bonding they cannot testify to their "opinion" - only observation. Friends, neighbors, pastors will not likely be allowed to testify.
As for the parents' attorneys being difficult - wow - if a parents' attorney is trying to discredit a foster parent during a TPR trial - that is a sure sign that they have no case, and they know it, and they are just putting on a show because they have to in order to help their clients feel like they had their day in court.
Stevenstwin - I completely disagree with the advice your counselor gave. Work with the attorneys - tell them everything - and if the therapist thinks that some things should be left out - tell that to the attorney as well. If you need to, request a team meeting with the attorney and the therapist to discuss. Don't take legal advice from a therapist - or theraputic advice from an attorney.
Back to OP - remember this trial is about the birth parents and not you. If the state attorney didn't think you were doing an excellent job and that you will be fine as a witness, they wouldn't call you.
Relax (as much as you can). The lawyers and Judges are people just like you. They put their pants on one leg at a time just like you. They have children who aren't always perfect, just like you. They aren't always perfect as parents, just like you. They appreciate the work and love and investment that you are putting into the children, trust me.
You will be fine. Good luck.