My name is Jody Moreen and I have been a facilitator of two active adoption triad support groups for the past 13 years. Currently, I am facilitator of Adoptees, Birth Parents and Adoptive Parents Together that meets in Naperville, IL. Previously I was facilitator of Full Circle Adoption Support Group in Indianapolis, IN. I have encouraged over 350 persons touched by adoption that have attended these groups. I have a BA degree in Psychology and a Human Services Certificate. I am the former editor of Adoption Blessings Journal, A Christian outreach journal and was the co-founder, associate editor of Jewel Among Jewels Adoption News with Sherrie Eldridge, Adoption author, speaker. I have been a speaker and seminar leader on Adoption topics relating to adoptees and birth parents. Seeking a paid position in adoption in Dupage County IL or an online position in adoption.
For more information or a resume contact Jody at:
Last update on April 24, 8:02 am by Sachin Gupta.