Does any one know of any adoption support groups in or near the Lehigh Valley? We live in Easton and I have not had much success finding one in the area. We were matched with a PBmom earlier this year and everything kind of fell apart this weekend. Now we are back to square 1, looking for a new agency/ attorney and starting all over. I would really like to find some friends who have walked in similar shoes who I feel like I can talk to, listen to and realte to.
Dear Jennifer taking the time to write this letter for your support letting you know there are places and counselers that you can talk to in the Pittsburgh area , also there is the people in the childrens bureau even though I've have not tried that, I have tried the counslers at the pittsburgh office on wood street.
I have started a support Group for Birth Moms in the lehigh Valley...[url=]Melissa Ortiz | Facebook[/url]
..Its on that page...I have not been able to find anything so i though I do one myself