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The withdrawl symptoms DO go away after they are weened. The effects of the drugs on the babies development cannot be predicted. It is a wait and see type of thing. The newborn we had that was a "meth baby" was the easiest baby I have ever cared for-sooooo sweet. But, others have not had the same experience. Our youngest was exposed to heroin daily and born at 26 weeks. She is a great sleeper and very happy most of the time. She has not been a difficult baby at all. I am starting to see some difficult behavior like pulling kids hair and temper tantrums. She is very strong willed and determined (she did fight for her life!) I think this is more her personality than the drug exposure.
Basically, there is no way to tell what challenges this baby will face. I can only speak for myself that our DD has been a joy from day one. She has special needs (OT, PT, and speech once a week, just had eye surgery for crossing, is hypothyroid, mild cerebral palsy, and maybe some sensory issues) BUT, I really don't feel like she has been any harder to raise than any other child. She's our baby girl and we just do what we need to do to help her reach her highest potential.
As you can see, you got me on my favorite topic! I feel lucky to be her mommy and I am looking forward to our adoption agencies reunion next month because I can't wait to show her off to all of those other couples who "weren't interested" in being considered for her because of her special needs. (We were the only couple who expressed an interest) She is the kind of child who lights up a room. She is the center of attention within 5 seconds! I am sooo proud of her and I have very high hopes for her future.