I have to share this short story, this weekend H was playing with her baby dolls and decided to sleep with 2 at nap, she had one on each side of her, she looks at me and says "my dolls are pretty brown like me" and smiles so sweet. She's 4 1/2 and just noticed the color of her babies, but was so pleased to see the match.
True confessions, I have a weakness for AA baby dolls, so she has more then a few.
So sweet! Our DD got 4 AA baby dolls at her bday party this weekend. Her bmom was there and asked my mom where her pink baby was! lol Guess I need to get her some CC dolls too! I just stuck with the AA dolls b/c as a child I wanted dolls that looked like me, so I thought she would too. Her older sis loved that her new baby dolls looked like S. So who knows?!!?
That's so awesome!! I was just sort of "highfiving" my own self that DD usually picks a black baby doll to play with. Then she told me that she wanted a Baby Alive doll for Christmas but she didn't want the one with the brown skin. I almost fainted and thought I had "screwed up" something. I said, "why not?" and she said "because I ALREADY have the brown one!"
She is also 4.5...I love this age!!
That sounds like a lovely moment. My son is 4.5 and started making comments regarding skin color much earlier and much more often than my dd has or does. It does crack me up though when he sometimes calls me 'really light brown'.
That's was awesome and very nice moment for the parents that their child is trying to recognize something.
wish your daughter every success in her life.
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