I have not adopted through foster care, but my dd is on the medicaid card, and my understanding is with the medical card if your insurance does not cover the hospital medicaid will. Whatever your insurance doesn't cover medicaid will cover. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I am pretty sure that you can switch him to your insurance and still keep him at that hospital and medicaid will cover it.
I'm going to call my ins. company today and get the answer to that question. We have Kaiser, which works a little differently than other HMOs. You go to Kaiser hospitals and are treated at Kaiser medical centers. You get prescriptions at Kaiser pharmacies. Everything is self-contained. I actually like that because it's very efficient - doctors, specialists, labs, pharmacy, optometry etc. are all in one building. But in this case, it may limit who our child could see and what hospital he could be treated at. I do know that they partner with a local hospital with a large maternity ward and most moms give birth there. So they may partner in a similar way with the Children's Hospital. I just have to find that out. The only reason I would want to keep J on Medical is if that was the only way for him to keep getting his care at the Children's Hospital. We would try to fight the switch if that were the case.