Hi. This is my first time posting and I am wondering if anyone can tell me what adoptive parent's per diems are on average. My wife and I are considering adopting a sibling group, but I know we would definately need the subsidies to help us provide for the children. Any experiences/advice would be appreciated.
Thanks, Indy33
It is typically 75% of what the child received as a foster care per diem. However, qualifying for AAP is tough these days. There is a state subsidy, but that account is empty, and there is a waiting list. Being a sibling group alone is not going to qualify the kids for a subsidy anymore. We were prepared to not get any subsidy for our kids once their adoptions were done. For awhile, we were being denied, but the CW fought for it and we got it for the older 3. The younger 2, we don't know yet.
It is difficult to qualify for it now. We just adopted and our child is classified as special needs. We are on the waiting list for state subsidy but will never see any of it. If it does start it's not retro active. She was able to keep her medicaid which was important for us.
Currently we have 2 more that may become free for adoption and we would like to do that. Unfortunately finances will play into it more for subsequent adoptions because our income doesn't grow as quickly as our family does.