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If my kids are hungry between meals and planned snacks they may make themselves a peanut butter sandwich. They can all do this themselves, and clean up the mess, and my youngest is 4 years old. (No gross motor delays.) They know where the wipes are to wipe up, the know how to put the dirty utensils in the appropriate place, and how to put the bread away. If they don't want a peanut butter sandwich, they can't be THAT hungry. :evilgrin
I do have two kiddos that tend to 'melt down' if they don't have enough glucose on board, so we try to make sure that they eat regularly (every 2 hours, so their blood sugar remains level and doesn't drop) and we try to not give them Moon Pies and soda because it just whacks them out. Some of the signs of low blood sugar are an inability to concentrate, irritability (sometimes hair trigger and extreme) and loss of coordination. If one of these two kids gets irritable I give them a quick snack, even if it is right before a meal. Times when blood sugars might drop are after physical or mental exertion. One of mine will get cranky during school, often in the middle of writing assignments which is something that requires lots of brain power for him. Another often wakes up as a huge crab, after fasting all night.
*After typing in that my kids don't have gross motor delays, my youngest (4 yo) just closed the door on her own foot. :arrow: