This was DCS website
■Notice to Adoptive Parents Regarding 1099
In the next few days you will receive a 1099 Misc form from the State of Indiana in regard to the adoption assistance payments you received from the state in 2009. Please note that this form was sent in error and will be corrected. None of the adoption assistance payments you received in 2009 were reported to the IRS as income. You will receive a corrected 1099 form that no longer includes the adoption assistance payments in that report.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you
Thank you for posting this.
Dh elaborated on what our accountant said last night. He was afraid that not only would we have to pay taxes on it as it was written but also Medicare and Social Security.
I made a copy of this and we will run it over to him the first thing Monday morning.