I'm having a hard time finding a respite provider for my little guy for this weekend (yes, I know last minute!)
I can't get ahold of anyone at DCS for a respite list. Argh!
Is this the baby? If so, pm me. I will do it.
I just wanted to thank you :-) I'm actually extremely relieved that you have him right now! We had to go out of town and got a flat tire, so I'm very thankful that Bug wasn't with us.
I hope he's being a good boy for you.
That's awesome that you were able to get respite ! Next time maybe just ask here first. Lol I'm always open to babies! Of course i was in tx finalizing the adoption of our 6yr old this weekend. Lol
I miss the little guy! If you ever need someone again (for him or other little ones)...
And, Naca: YAY! Congrats!!!!!
He's a sweetie isn't he! I'm glad we took our little break because they just called us with a placement of 3 little ones! :clap:
I'll certainly be calling you again!
Wow 3 more little ones? Congrats! What are the ages?
6, 1, and a newborn still in the hospital. Altough I've got a gut feeling that a family member will step forward. The baby isn't getting released until tomm. so they're not detaining the other children until then. I guess we'll know more tomm! :clap: