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Your post hit a nail on the head for me. I am very much like you. I/we (DH and I) take good care of the children and they have almost always flourished in our care, but I generally don't get attached to them. There have been a few that I was attached to, but the majority of them I don't. Actually, we currently have a sibling group of 3 that we have had for six months and until last week, I was not attached to any. Then, the 2 yo was hospitalized and I spent a lot of one on one time with her and formed a nice attachment.
We always look out for and advocate for the best needs of the child and I do fake it in regards to loving them and have been successful at fostering for six years. So, give yourself time, don't beat yourself up, and know that sometimes you will attach and sometimes you won't. As previous posters have stated, there are some kids you will like and love and some you just won't!