L, my 12 yo, has ADD plus a learning disorder. I'm not sure if he's just slower or if there's an actual problem (I see some MERLD and Executive function). Who would test him for this??
Several professionals have diagnosed our daughter w/ ADHD along our journey, including a neoropsychologist (also tests for other learning disorders), a psychologist (not the best experience for us - but yours may be different) and a child psychiatrist.
If I were you, and suspected other learning probelms in addition, I would at least speak to a neuropsychologist. Warning: This eval cost us about $1,000, but our private insurance eventually reimbursed.
The neuropsych may recommend a psychiatrist, who can perscribe meds.
I would find an educational consultant. The doctors are great to tell you there is a problem, but now how to help your child learn based on that deficiency. I've had two tests that were very helpful an Occupational therapist (did gross motor, intellect, and sensory at the same time) and a development assessment by an educational consultant. Both have provided me with information that will help me help my child vs. giving me a diagnosis.
Good luck, I know it is frustrating to try to figure out what is going on and how you can help.