why do people complain that the clothing allowance isnt enough? is it $125 for everyone or do some people get less?
In my area you only get $200 for a child first time entering care...and that is at the county director's discretion. I was told it is not often approved. And if a child is moved from another foster home, no new allowance (even if they come with nothing, even if they were only in the other foster home for a week...). We were told they almost never approve the allowance for infants ("because who doesn't want to buy clothes for babies, your friends should help you out").
So yes, others do get quite a bit less. We had to appeal because our newborn FD didn't get approved the 1st time around because FDs CW didn't get it turned in within 60 days of placement (btw, permanent CW wasn't assigned until day 45 and didn't visit until day 53 and placement workers are not allowed to submit it, only permanent workers :rolleyes: ).