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Thread: Roma kids
In my experience, which is really only anecdotal on this point those places where the Roma have been settled historically were generally better. The primary example I have extensive experience with was Kosovo. What happened was that before the war there, there were Serb, Albanian and Romani communities scattered around the place. Roma who I came to know quite well there told me that they did not feel like there was discrimination before the 1999 war. There may have been some hidden discrimination or glass ceilings but these were working class folks who had jobs in the same factories and mines with the Serbs and Albanians and they weren't aware of the subtler issues. Then, there was the big conflict between the Serbs and Albanians. Each side started accusing the Roma of collaborating with the other side. They tried to stay out of it but they ended up getting clobbered by both sides and were forced to flee the country. Most, I think about 100,000, left and were in refugee camps for upwards of 5 years. That's how I met them as a journalist but, before the war, Kosovo had some of the most prosperous Romani communities in Europe. Macedonia is a bit similar to the way Kosovo was. The Romani community there is stable and settled long term. There are tensions with other ethnic groups but there are a lot of diverse groups in that country and they aren't some primary hated group, as they are elsewhere.