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We were told that if mom appealed the TPR, we should expect a year before the appeal was resolved. She did not appeal (fortunately) and her time to do so has passed.
If you can, look into any public postings of your state's appealate courts. In VA, where I live, I just did a Google search on "TPR Court Appeal Virginia" and "Termination of Parental Rights Appeal Virginia" kind of terms. This lead me to a weekly review for the state's attornies which detailed out the ruling from the state's upper courts. TPR appeals here, become public when they go to the higher court. So, I was able to read through 5 or 6 years worth of cases and found only ONE where the TPR was overturned.
In that one case, the mother was in transit from the state prison to court. She was late and the judge didn't wait for her. The judge issued the TPR before mom arrived. Since she was in care of the state the entire time, the appealate court judge revoked the TPR and sent it back to the lower court to be retried with mom there. The revocation of the TPR did not reunite the child(ren) with Mom who was still in prison. It did make the original judge have a second trial.
Typically, the higher courts will only change the ruling of the lower court if there was something procedurally wrong with the original trial.
Seriously, do some deep Google digging to see what you can find. Let me know if you get stuck.
It is going to try your patience, but you'll make it through. Just stick in there.