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Thread: FASD-RAD dx
I totally agree with Barksum!!
I have two children with RAD and FAS. (One of which also has SI and knowing that helps a lot.) These two also have PTSD because not only were they neglected but then for three months before coming to me were tortured by some drug addicts. These kids are amazing at how strong they are, but they still have a long way to go. The younger one was 17m at placement so he has come so far from his RAD dx. My other one was 4 at placement and now at 8 is better but it is still daily. The meeting and appointments are alone enough to make you crazy, then adapting a therapeutic parenting style you can get worn out really fast.
Read as much as you can, and try to determine where on the spectrum of RAD do they fall, if it is on the higher end, know that you will be entering into an abusive relationship. It can get better for some, but unfortunately not all.