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I think looking at her history would be a good indicator. If she's made false allegations before, it should be in her file.
We were considered for a ten year old girl for several months and were very hopeful we'd be matched. We were even asked to go at matching event so we could meet her and her GAL and CW could see how we interacted with her. In the end, we weren't chosen because she had a history of making false sexual abuse allegations and my husband is a teacher. The workers thought he had more to lose by false allegations than most. They NEVER mentioned this in the months we were in talks about her. If they had, it would saved us lots of time and getting our hopes up because we would have said "no" (for exactly the reason they did!)
A couple months after that we were matched with a 9 year old girl. She's been home with us for 11 months and the adoption finalized in November. She does not have a history of any false allegations and my husband is not afraid to be alone with her. He hugs her, drives her to gymnastics, goes on bike rides with her. That's not to say it can't happen, but it could happen with a bio child, too.