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I'm just wondering who out there has experience or information on how different drugs (Cocaine, marijuana, etc.) have on an unborn baby. We are trying to decide what situations we will be open to in this area, and need more information.
I'm Mom to two kiddos who were exposed prenatally to alcohol and other drugs of unknown quantities. We do believe that crack cocaine and marijuana, and nicotine were all a part of it. The most important thing to note is that alcohol, a legal substance, is most probably the most damaging since it actually crosses the placenta.
But you asked about cocaine and marijuana. It all depends on how much and when, and the baby's metabolism, the mother's metabolism and nutritional intake during pregnancy. All those things affect how a substance can and does affect the development of the child, and the lasting effects on that child.
Some links:
[URL=""]National center for Substance Abuse and Child Welfare[/URL]
[URL=""]National Institute of Drug Abuse[/URL]
Writers such as Brenda McCreight (see her on amazon) and Gregory Keck are good too.
Most of my experience with books etc focus on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome since one of my children has that as an initial diagnosis, but these sites might be of help with you making this decision. In most ways, it really is a tough decision and a leap of faith. One of our children seems to be doing very well, while the other struggles at this time quite significantly, especially when it comes to behaviors. Hope that helps a little.