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Our son was also exposed to marijuana, alcohol, and if I remember correctly, heroin as well.
As the last poster said, our son is INCREDIBLY smart. He's in Kindergarten, and reading 3rd Grade sight words. I read "The Chronicles of Narnia" to him at night, and about 2 months ago, he read the entire first page of one of the chapters to me...only missing maybe 3 words that were a bit larger. I was absolutely floored.
He's also incredibly good at math.
And he also has ADHD. (That's the official diagnosis.)
We really struggled for a long time not knowing what the issue was. We were told "Sensory Processing Disorder", "Fetal Alcohol Syndrome", "ADD", "ADHD", and maybe one or two other things.
It has been a real challenge especially for my wife, but after talking with our son's Kindergarten teacher and Principal, we explored the ADHD end of things a bit more. He's now taking medicine (after a lot of thinking and praying for wisdom on that), and it has made one heck of a difference. He's able to concentrate a lot better, and he's able to control his body a lot more (touching others, staying in line, bouncing off walls/the floor...literally). And...we can definitely tell when it wears off as well.
Prayer, support from other adoptive parents that have faced the same thing, and in some cases the right medication (and amount) can make a world of difference.