A relative of a friend had her baby go into foster care. Baby was born at 33 weeks, and born addicted to heroin, crack and opiates. Baby was in the hospital for about 7 weeks, a few days after being discharged to a foster family she was admitted to PICU with brain bleed and seizure. Police are investigating-friend and her relative seem to think the foster family hurt her. (friend was going to take baby but backed out last minute due to some issues with baby's mom)
From what I read, brain bleeds tend to occur in preemies AND in baby's born addicted to heroin. We are almost a certified foster family so I'm not as quick to assume its due to injury from FF (though it sound like it *could* be). I think police would investigate no matter what. Though, my friend said what I thought, wouldn't they have caught it by now? Baby was in the hospital for 7 weeks and just days after being out it happened, so I do see why they think that.
My little man had 3 bleeds which he got more than 3 weeks after leaving hospital, the withdraws did not kick in to full force until then. They don't let them out knowing there is a problem but the brain is hard to understand and how the drugs effect a growing body is impossible to know.
It is probably more likely it was a spontanteous brain bleed than that the foster family hurt her. Considering the baby's preexisting conditions. They most likely can tell from the location of the bleed and whether baby has any bruises if it was abuse. i would actually be shocked if the police investigated
It is very possible for the bleed to be caused naturally not abuse. A bleed can be caused by a weak spot in a vessel in the brain and to much pressure, a seizure (my bs had a bleed early on then another one after hospital caused from seizures), many things can cause them.