Hi everyone!!! We got licensed on 04/13/2011, and are waiting for our first placement. I was just wondering how long after licensing it took to get your first placement. Thanks in advance! :)
wow.. dolphindreams.. that's a long time!!!
We were told we'd be called pretty quickly... We were licensed on 7/29/09 and got our first call on 9/29/09 and they stayed 2 days. We didn't get another call until December and he stayed 4 days. It wasn't until January 2010 that we got a call that stayed around awhile. But...almost 2 years later...we have had 16 kids come through our home...31 if you count respite. It may take awhile to get called, but after the caseworkers get to know will be full all the time! :evilgrin:
The day after we got licensed, but the kids were already in care when we got licensed. They were at an emergency shelter waiting for a family. In my area, it is not unusual to get placements the day you get licensed. I have heard many stories of the worker bringing kids with them with the license! But we have a very high need area.
We completed everything Jan 08, missed one call for 2 girls in May, called back too late for a boy in June, and then finally had an infant placed with us at the end of August 08. We adopted her in May 10. We moved states, got certified again in Feb. We got a call last week for a teen and when I got back after checking with my hubby, she already had another placement, so still waiting.
We started classes in January, finished in last week of march, were licensed 4/29/11 talked to head of placement to introduce ourselves on 5/2 informed them we would be going away on 5/13-5/15 so might be best to put us on hold. Got a call yesterday for a placement to take the day we get back. Feels kind of crazy because we like many others basically didnt have to wait at all from when getting officially open, while others seem to have to wait a while.
Thank you all for the info!!! Please just keep my in yalls prayers if yall could. :) Today it has been 4 weeks of being licensed and while that is definately not a long feels like it.