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We are currently going through DHR. (We attended orientation about three weeks ago. GPS does not start until September). We are in the same situation, we are in hopes of adopting a little one--four or younger. Based on the conversations so far the chances do appear to be slim to none.
However, I spoke with an acquaintance who use DHR and she stated that within three weeks she received a call for a little girl; she ended up adopting two because the little girl had a sister and she did not want to separate the family. I will check to see if you respond to me. If so, I will keep you informed about our progress.
Where do you live? South, Middle, or North Alabama? I ask because I read a post--granted it is about a year old--where someone stated that DHR did not provide training where they live. I share that because maybe each area is different. Maybe Mobile is different from Montgomery which is different from Birmingham. Who knows?:grr: