Having adopted both--- tiny infants---and having adopted older children who ended up failing in the end (and one started out as a toddler)......THIS sentence stood out to me more than anything else in your post:
I would like a baby because I have never had the opportunity to raise an infant, I gave up on the pregnancy fantasies but kept the baby fantasies.
Don't go with a two-year old. If your heart is set on the baby...nine months of waiting isn't long at all.......especially if you're wanting that healthy white baby. Many people actually wait longer than nine months.
And well the issues this 2yr old might have would seem 'mild' to you; BUT, IF the issues turn out to be more extreme......those issues MIGHT...and I say, MIGHT keep you from adopting again....which would very well be an infant. (And yes, this type of scenario happens more often than you'd think. Two years of age IS old enough to have significant problems...regardless of what a caseworker might say about them.)
Hold out and adopt a baby as your heart desires. Don't let anyone sway you into adopting a 2yr old because you've been waiting nine months. IF......your heart would certainly change---and you could go into this with NO yearning for a baby........that would be one thing. But from what you've're 'settling'...and that doesn't seem to be what's in your heart.
BTDT and regretted it later. I thought even adopting older children---we could "do" that phase and eventually ........we could always go back to infants. Not necessarily so................