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one of my issues with my adoptive mother is that, i really cannot sugar coat this, she is a little mentally unstable. i mean for the past month all i have heard is how she plans to go away and off herself, this is a regular thing for her to do when she feels no one is paying attention to her. she sees a psych doctor and i do not get involved in her care as i feel that is my fathers duty. plus due to her actions i started seeing a psych doctor for anxiety and she went out of her way to send messages to my doctor saying i was abusing drugs and alcohol. luckily my doctor asked me about this and my jaw dropping to the floor gave her the answer.
yes when i was 21 i went and drank heavy (i am going to be 26 in 2 months) but after like 4 months of that i was done. as for drug abuse i have no idea where that came from, i have to take so many prescribed meds that the idea of taking more for fun is beyond me.
little bit of background on me. i have arthritis and have had it from age 5, was not diagnosed til about age 9. i also have spinal stenosis of the lumbar region. my immune system is majorly compromised due to a biological med i take so i am normally sick a good 3 months out of the year, one year i was so sick that i had to have my tonsils removed in an emergency setting. that then gave way to complications and oy... baby food does not taste good at all and it took me 5 months to get back on to regular food.
i work as a babysitter oddly for a social worker who has seen what my mom does and she can't understand it. this is a woman that used to work in the chicago dcfs. this woman will keep me after i am done sitting to just see how i am doing in general because she just cares enough to want to make sure i am doing okay. she even remembers when i have interviews haha.
back on topic though, i did not realize that others would have gone through this. i thought at first i was just going to be ranting and kinda whining. i mean i was happy when i found these forums but now i am glad i posted. denise i think i will take you up on that emailing as i want to avoid having a total fall out though it may be what has to happen here, too.
sunshiny i always wondered the point of view of a b-mom, but it just isn't something you can easily get without being intrusive. i still wonder about what my biomom could be like... silly me i even bothered to figure out about when i was conceived and all that just to try and see how her life would have been. thanks for your post, good luck with your daughter.