It is very likely that this child suffers from RAD. Until you have tried to parent a child like this I cannot explain to you how difficult it is. I have friends that are close that would post something like this for me if I needed them to.
Giving a child to foster care is not as easy as it sounds. For one thing foster care and lots of homes could make the child worse. Also they will often charge the parents with neglect if they try to give the child up and if they don't they are likely to charge child support and to charge the parents for treatment for the child and sometimes they charge huge amounts that the parents can't pay. There are adoptive parents out there that specialize in children with issues, the hard part is finding them. There is a group called chask that may be able to help.
Sometimes the agency you used to adopt will help, but often they will not. The child is a US citizen so she should not be sent back to Ukraine. I agree with posting on the special needs board, someone there maybe be able to give you resources. Also check some adoption support groups, some of them may have information on finding other parents who might be willing to adopt this child. I know many people who have adopted children that were first adopted by other parents who were unable to handle the child's needs. Basically it would be done as a private adoption, the first family would relinquish parental rights and the new family would adopt. The new family would need to get a homestudy and do everything any other adoptive parent would need. They would also need to hire a lawyer unless they used an agency.