After 3 years of trying to conceive a child of our own, my husband and I are exploring the option of open infant adoption More than anything, we want to parent and are excited to possibly begin the journey.
Being that we are just startiing the process of exploring, I am not sure where to begin. I have been researching on line but feel that talking to people who have been through or are going through the process can shed a much brighter light. Any advice would be warmly appreciated.
Hi Emily!
My husband and I are still in the process of adopting. We are waiting for our FBI records check to come back and for our home study to be updated. We are hoping to be profile ready in October!
You can start by collecting the following:
1 - Birth certificates for everyone living in your home
2 - Marriage certificate
3 - KY child abuse records check
4 - FBI records check (fingerprinting for this can be done at the UPS Store in the Gardiner Lane Shopping Center)
5 - Letter from your bank (on letterhead - needs to include length of being a customer, average balances, statement of good standing)
6 - Letter from employees (on letterhead - needs to include things like job title, length of employment, salary and likelihood of continued employment)
7 - Personal references (At least 3)
There is more you will need depending on your particular set of circumstances and your home study provider.
One of the best resources I have had through this process is getting to know other women who have or are going through the same thing... I'd be glad to help answer any questions you may have.
- Jennifer