I am not able to relate as an adoptee because my Amom and I got along great. Then I would see my non adopted friends constantly complaining about the same thing with their moms so maybe is is just a mother/daughter type of thing in some relationships. Not really because of adoption
I agree with EZ about it being more of a personality thing than an adoption issue most of the time. Growing up, my two best friends were adopted...and they both were extremely close to their mother. I, on the other hand, had an extremely contentious relationship with my own mother, especially during the teenage years...and I'm not adopted. My mom and I just always locked horns with each other from the time I started having my own ideas. Until I was about 4 years old, she adored me...after that, well, I think she would have preferred if I had simply disappeared from her life.
I'm sorry you don't have a good relationship with your amom. That's one of the things I've really regretted most of my life, not having a close and nurturing relationship with my mom.