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We are only still in the process of adopting, but my DH and I are both step-parents to each other's children. I was never comfortable calling my own step-dad by his 1st name so as kids my sister and I made up different "nicknames" that we found more endearing than using his 1st name-- especially when we were raised to never refer to an adult by their 1st name (always Mr. or Ms etc). My children chose a really cute nickname when they first met my now-husband. Even though they were really very young when they made it up, they still use the nickname and have never once called DH by his 1st name.
My step-children, however, have always called me by my 1st name. It does bother me to an extent. Not because I want to be called "mom" b/c they certainly have and live with their own mom... but rather for the informality of it. I realize for many it is NOT an issue at all, but having grown up recognizing the informality and not using 1st names with our own step-dad I do wish often that the kids called me something other than JUST my 1st name.
I think we will encourage our adopted child(ren) to come up with some sort of nickname if they are open to that. It does cause some issues with my bio children when they hear my step-kids use my 1st name-- they have tried calling me by my name and it is sometimes hard for them to grasp why THEY can't but my step-kids can. My kids also SOMEtimes refer to DH as "dad" and have even stated that they "realize that ____ is their 'real' dad" but they don't see why they can't call step-dad "Dad" and other times the kids say it is "just easier" to say dad than the nickname :love: