My wife and I were placed with a lil boy on 2/19/2011. at the time of the placement Bio mom was no where to be found. There were 4 potential fathers that could have been dad. As the months passed social worker said that our adoption would be final in November or December. In october of one the potential fathers tested positive as Bio dad. Our son has been with us for 8 months. We went to court on 10/19/11 and saw the bio dad and family. the jugde granted our defacto and gave Bio dad 1 short visit a month as the child is 2but we go back to court on 11/16/11 to set a trial date. What does a trial mean? Is my family on trial? How long does a trial take. what are the chances of him being returned to Bio dad?
It sounds like they are setting a Termination Trial. Meaning, they are setting a trial to terminate parental rights. Have the birthparents done anything to work a reunification plan, ie. treatment, parenting classes, etc.? If not, the judge could lean on the side of terminating rights and you would be one step closer to adoption. If the birthparent(s) have made any progress in their case plan, then they could decide not to terminate rights and that is when you get on the rollercoaster.
PM me if I can answer any questions. I'm no expert on this stuff, but I have experienced a lot of what people refer to as the the rollercoaster rides.