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Hello all,
I wanted to reach as many of you as possible, so I am posting in this general category. Have you seen the story about Veronica Capobianco?? One of those tragic adoption stories that we all hate. This time, The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) is working against the best interests of the child. :( (BDad only registered with the tribe AFTER he wanted Veronica. The child is only 1% Cherokee.)
From the site: On December 31, 2011, the Capobianco family was forced to hand their 2-yr-old adopted daughter over to her biological father - a man that was absent during the birth mother's pregnancy, informed her that he wanted to sign over his rights and signed a legal document stating he would not contest the adoption. Four months after the baby was born, he changed his mind. At this point Veronica was settled into her home and the Capobiancos were loving raising their daughter - all while still having a wonderful relationship with the birth mother - allowing her to still be a part of Veronica's life. The adoption was an open adoption and everything about this particular story couldn't have been more perfect. Veronica deserves to stay with the only family she has ever known - the family chose for her by her biological mother. Please support us and help bring Veronica home!
Please sign the petition and write to your congressmen and the Cherokee Nation as you see fit. There is also a Facebook page for updates.
[url=]Save Veronica[/url]