Just in case you don't know, there is currently a bill in WA, HB 2211, that would give adoptees the right to get a copy of their original birth certificate. The bill does include an 'affidavit of nondisclosure' which essentially is a veto that allows a birth parent to stop their adoptee from getting their original birth certificate.
Last week the bill passed the House with a unanimous 'yes' vote. The bill is now ready to make the rounds in the Senate.
If you live in WA or have a connection to adoption in WA, please [URL=""]contact your state senator[/URL] and ask them to vote 'yes' on HB 2211.
HB 2211 would have given all WA adoptees the right to get their original birth certificates (OBC) unless the birth parent filed a veto disallowing the original birth cert from being released.
Regarding adoptees from Oct 1, 1993 forward, they are already allowed to get their OBC unless a veto has been filed.
Unfortunately, HB 2211 is dead so no changes will be made to WA adoption law this year. Even though the bill passed all House committees with unanimous YES votes, as well as the entire House vote with unanimous YES votes, the bill didn't even get the first hearing on the Senate side in the Senate Human Services & Corrections committee. This is the 3rd year in a row similar bills have died in this same committee because the committee chair refuses to move the bill forward.
There were a couple articles published this week about this issue, if you're interested:
1. [URL=""]House: Chairman of Human Services wont say why he wonҒt move it on[/URL]
2. Follow-up the next day: [URL=""]Hargrove explains concerns with adoption bill[/URL]
The plan is to try to get something passed next year.
To keep up on what's happening, see the following pages:
[*][URL=""]Wa-Care Facebook page[/URL]
[*][URL=""]Wa-Care website[/URL]