We are searching for a sibling set of 2-3 to add to our family. We have 2 bio kids (7yo:male: , 5yo:female: ) and wondered if anyone had some thoughts/experience with bringing sib sets in that outnumber the bio kids...? Were there any issues you encountered that you thought might be unique to this? We are considering a set of 3 (7yo:female: 5yo:male: 4yo:female: ) that are younger than the bio kids.
We had one bio child, so he was always "outnumbered" with our foster sib sets! It was a non-issue for us, but we never made a point to "count" bio vs. non-bio if that makes sense. He also was older than all the kids we had, even when we had teens, he was still the oldest. so don't know if that made a difference or not.
We had one biological son and adopted two siblings that were 3 and 4 years younger than our son. It was a hard adjustment. They had each other, and he felt left out. We have worked through it now, but it was definitely hard to make him feel like he was not left out.
We had one biological son and adopted two siblings that were 3 and 4 years younger than our son. It was a hard adjustment. They had each other, and he felt left out. We have worked through it now, but it was definitely hard to make him feel like he was not left out.
Can you give suggestions or tell how you worked though this?