I adopted my daughter when she was 3 years old from department of social service. She was the foster daughter of my mother in law. When she was free for adoption my husband and I adopted her. I also have another daughter by birth. My adopted daughter is now 16 years old and my other daughter is 17. My adopted daughter has a facebook and her birth mother has sent her several friend requests. I don't think she knows for sure that this is her daughter. We kept a version of my daughter's first name and I think she saw it on my mother in law's page as a friend. My mother in law did not understand to have tight security on her page. My adopted daughter happened to mention to her sister that she hates it when people she doesn't know try to befriend her. My older daughter got suspicious and mentioned it to me. I went on my adopted daughter's facebook and blocked this woman without telling my adopted daughter. I am adopted and I found my birth mother several years ago. But I had my own family, a house, a career and I knew who I was and felt comfortable in my life. I think being 16 is hard enough without having your birth mother walk into your life. I told my adopted daughter that I would help her look for her birth mother some day if that is what she wanted but I don't think she is ready for that kind of disruption in her life. I am ashamed that I blocked her birth mother on facebook without telling her. I was also scared to death. I was not ready for this. technology today makes it so easy to find people. I found my mother on an adoption search site. I am not sure if I should tell my adopted daughter about her birth mother trying to contact her.
IMO, that was completely out of line for your DD's birthmom. Has your daughter made any indication she wants to meet her birth family? At this point it does need to be addressed. Personally I would reach out to the birthmom first to see what her intentions are, get to know her... and also to determine if there are any safety issues or any issues at all that you would deem undesirable. Birthmom really should have reached out to you first...but she didn't so might as well move forward. I would probably do all this sooner rather than later...
I think the previous two posts hit the nail on the head. I would also worry that your daughter would resent the secret, when she finds out someday (which is likely). And I definitely lean toward scoping out the situation on one's own first as a parent when dealing with a kid under 18. Kids may do it without you afterwards. I actually think I would prefer it happen sooner, when I am involved, even if I can't guarantee that there will be no emotional and relationship chaos.
I would have done the same thing. This is not a birth mother who lovingly chose adoption as the best option for her baby. This is a woman whose child was taken from her due to abuse/neglect and placed in foster care.
I do think that you need to let your daughter know that if she ever chooses to search that you will help her or if she prefers, the agency that handled her adoption can help her.
Facebook is so scary because it allows reunification to happen without the counseling and support that is so vital to a successful outcome.
Thank you to all of the responders to this thread. It has been a few months and I told my adopted daughter about this about a month ago. She actually figured who this woman probably was. My daughter is scared and does not want to have contact with this woman at this time. So we have all made sure that we have the highest security on our facebook accounts. If she wants to contact her birth mother in the future then I will be there to help her if she wants my help. Privacy is an issue for everyone these days and my daughter's privacy will always be a nagging issue in my head. Because of this incident my daughter is alot more aware in general of how to keep her information private.